Today, more than 22 million seniors and people with disabilities choose a Medicare Advantage plan, and enrollment is projected to increase to an all-time high of 24.4 million this year1. Do you have insight into how much revenue your health plan might be losing in underpaid premiums?

Ensuring accurate premium payments for your Medicare Advantage members requires the right people, processes, and technology to identify your potential for premium restoration. It all starts with data. By integrating data sources and viewing eligibility data holistically, you can easily identify members with the greatest propensity for inaccuracy: those requiring Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) validation and those diagnosed with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD).

Here are four steps you can take to capture underpaid premiums:

#1: Identify members with premium restoration potential

The undisputed first step in capturing underpaid premiums is identifying those members with premium restoration potential. Our experience shows that an average of 4% of Medicare Advantage members have open MSP records, and 50% of those records have premium restoration potential. By identifying members with MSP or ESRD, your plan can ensure those members are accounted for in MMRs and in payments from CMS.

#2: Improve process efficiencies

When analyzing open MSP and ESRD occurrences, your plan needs to identify and prioritize those that require investigation. By allocating scarce resources to the activities that will have the greatest impact on the bottom line, you can ensure that dollars and staff time are spent wisely and efficiently.

#3: Monitor the financial impact

As premium restoration becomes more complex and when resources are limited, sophisticated monitoring is needed to achieve the results your plan expects. With a proactive approach to monitoring premium restorations, you will want to forecast how many dollars will be added to the premium check, uncover whether you have received every month of restored premiums, and maintain an audit trail to validate the outcomes and steps taken to correct inaccuracies.

#4: Maintain ongoing premium restoration activities

Given the impact it can have on your bottom line, the premium restoration process must be maintained on an ongoing basis. By ensuring payment accuracy throughout the year, you can capitalize on significant revenue opportunities month after month, year after year.

Claritev’s data analytics combined with our deep understanding of CMS eligibility rules can help your health plan unlock the hidden value in your data and collect the full value of premiums owed.

Read our eBook, Restoring millions for your Medicare Advantage plan, to learn more.


Previously published on the former Discovery Health Partners website.